Persistence analyzes images of polymers to determine their bending persistence length. Details can be found in the published paper Graham JS, McCullough BR, Kang H, Elam WA, Cao W, and De La Cruz EM (2014), Multi-Platform Compatible Software for Analysis of Polymer Bending Mechanics, PLoS ONE 9(4): e94766. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094766 . The software is copyrighted by the De La Cruz lab at Yale, but is free to use and distribute for non-commercial purposes. Please reference the paper when you use the software to analyze your data.
The software is created in MATLAB, but can be run without MATLAB using the MATLAB Runtime application that may be downloaded for free from the MathWorks website (see link below). Sample data, more information, and and a tutorial are included in the zip file. Also included in the software package is a document detailing ImageJ procedures for preparing the correct images for Persistence software. Updates to the software will be posted as available.
The newest version is available to be download below! The previous versions are not available to be download anymore, but if you want, you can send an request email to
Please address all comments and inquiries to the corresponding author: Enrique De La Cruz.
If you would like email notifications for future software updates, or have bug reports and/or suggestions for improvement, please email
Version History
October 2016: version 4.2.3 was released. It has major bug fixes and an improved user interface for better stability and ease of use.
March 2017: Mac version with MCR 2016a (9.0.1) and bug fixed is now available to download.
June 2023: version 5 was released (Matlab mfile). added 1. one-click manual tracking to make manual tracking much easier. 2. ini file to remember setting, 3. summary file to store information used in analysis and results. 4. major bug fixed.
January 2024: Version 5.1.1 was released (Matlab mfile). Changes: 1. Added the focused image panels to the panel for manually constructing filaments. 2. In manually constructing, now a filament can connect to another with a 90-degree elbow, which previously was not able to connect. 3. Changed auto filament constructing to include filament branches (stop at branching points). Previously the branched filaments were ignored. 4. Bugs fixed
Please note the appropriate MATLAB Runtime version for your specific download.
New Release: Version 5.1.1 (Jan 2024) m-file: dowload
Past Releases:
Version 5 (June 2023) m-file: download (79 KB)
Version 4.2.3 for Windows:
64 bit version download (13 MB), requires MATLAB MCR Release 2016b (9.1), 32 bit version download (9 MB), requires MATLAB MCR Release 2015b (9.0)
Version 4.2.3 for Mac:
download (7 MB), requires MATLAB MCR Release 2016a (9.0.1)
Version 4.2.3 for Linux: